Natural Dye Tips: Colourfastness Bath
How is everyone doing today?
Many moons ago, we entered this industry as a ethical style blogger in a different city, a different country, and with a different voice.
We'd like to take this moment of global shifting to share more tips, tutorials and other helpful/inspiring news as we all explore this new world together.
As we approach the start of Fashion Revolution Week + Earth Day, we'd like to start sharing tips and tricks for anyone entering the beautiful world of hand dyed textiles.
Tip 001
To maintain the colourfastness of your newly dyed pieces, ensure you submerge them in a bath of:
- 1 gallon clean water
- 1/4 cup of iodised salt
- 1 cup of white vinegar
Submerge overnight + postwash with a low impact, natural detergent.
Take good care everyone. Please stay creative, inspired, safe, and reach out for any support anytime.