Melbourne Fashion Festival 2023 | MIKÕKO

Melbourne Fashion Festival 2023 | MIKÕKO

To sum up the experience that was MIKÕKO will take more than a summary post. It was a whole UNIVERSE of synergistic minds that we will be sharing over this next Equinox period.
From a seedling of an idea birthed from discussions between Queen sis @fipekeanu @livingkoko and I vending side by side at @blakdotgallery, exploring ways of reusing her remnant cacao into plant based fabric dye, continuing the series of mycology runways created in partnership with @simbiotic_vision, conversations of mycology and fashion flowing through the hallways of Easey Street Studios with @studio_fear, to the synergy of dear friends - musicians, models, dancers, HMUA artists from all of our universes joining together in this shared experience, MIKÕKO was a universe in which we shine together.
No other day more suited to begin our recap of this incredible production experience than International Women's Day - celebrating not only the amazing femmes who brought their talents and power to this production but in celebration of everyone from our mind blowing team to the incredible audience that came together in support of sustainable women run business, mycology, plant life, and community.
It truly takes a village and we are so grateful to be on this journey with you.
Collection release drops on the EQUINOX 21.03.23  🤎. Today we celebrate COMMUNITY.
MIKÕKO | Team List
Venue: Music Market - Collingwood Yards (@musicmarket_)
Festival Partner: PayPal Melbourne Fashion Festival Fashion Culture Program curated by Sai-Wai Foo #PayPalMFF @melbfashionfestival @pleatybunny
Director + Producer - REMUSE (@remusedesigns)
Co-Producer | Koko Curator- Living Koko (@livingkoko)
Series Co-Founder, Production and Visuals – Simbiotic Vision (@simbiotic_vision)
Curator of Aesthetic Emotion - Adah Kelleher-Roulston (@studio_fear)
“Koko KalaPu” Non Alcoholic Bar + Kava Curator - Daniel’s Daughters (@danielsdaughters), Living Koko (@livingkoko), Penina Beer (@penina_beer)
Set Design Sculpture - Peleti (@_peleti_)
Florist Sponsor - Amazing Graze Flowers (@amazinggrazeflowers)
-Vocalist: Ayesha Mehta (@arminta30)
-Music Producer: Mackavelli (@mackavelli.wav)
HMUA Team:
-Hair Product Sponsor - Organic Suku (@organicsuku)
-Hair Stylist - Banan Mahmoud- (@ba__nan)
-Hair Stylist - Madeleine Stewart (@maddstewartmakeup)
-Makeup Artist - Gabrielle Lawless (@foxiegabe)
-Makeup Artist - Wendy Nguyen (@wendos_)
Stage 1 Movement Artist + Models: “The Seed”
-Amarantha Robinson (@queenamarantha)
-Gemma Brown (@msg.flavour)
-Kgomotso Sekhu (@kgomotso_sekhu)
-Paulene Gibson (@peg_e_gibson)
-Allira Dryden (@alliradryden)
Stage 2 Movement Artist + Models: “Bloom”
-Te Francesca (@ate_cheska_)
-Zoe Mortella (@zoemortella)
-Kathleen Gonzalez (@ethnodanceology)
-Karen Bravo (@bravokarena)
-Emi Nesvara Hernandez (@itsme.elaura)
-Claudia Vidal (@klavdia)
Stage 3: Movement Artists+ Models: “Regeneration”
-Anthea Basilia (@antheabasilia)
-Henrietta Deller-Blue (@henriettad_)
-Ed Moon (@edmoonmusic)
-Laura Du Ve (@femmeplastic)
-Mana Barron-Judd (@planetmana)
-Olivia Grace Unesa Siaosi (@itsvias.wrld reigning @misssamoavictoria)
Media: James Taylor (@pics_that_pop); Timothy Treasure (@timotitreasure)
Stage Manager: Jazz Collins (@jazzcllns)
Ticketing: Ariana Leane (
Campaign Credits:
Photography - @fiafia_art
Muses - Ayesha Mehta (@arminta30) + Olivia Grace Unesa Siaosi (, @misssamoavictoria)
HMUA - Gabrielle Lawless (@foxiegabe)
Curator of Emotion - Adah Kelleher-Roulston (@studio_fear)
Co Producer, Catering and Koko - Living Koko (@livingkoko)
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